Saturday 4 April 2020

A Daily 30 - Minutes Walk Is All You Need To Live Longer

Multiple Benefits:  Physical activities such as walking help in managing high blood pressure and cholesterol and improve glucose control, in addiction to other benefits  

New study says even doing household chores has the same effect
Who says you need to live a whole lot healthier and longer?  If you are looking for a quick and easy solution, this is a must-read for you.  A new study suggests the preliminary research presented at the American Heart Association's Epidemiology and Prevention |  Lifestyle and Cardio-metabolic Health Scientific Sessions 2020 says even light exercise can only lead to a longer and healthier life.  "Finding a way to physically move more into an activity that suits your abilities 
And being pleasurable is extremely 30-minutes of being sedentary was important for all people, especially related to a 32% higher risk of dying who may have any of the risk factors.  for cardiovascular diseases, "said Barry A. The study also suggests physical sedentary time may be more effective such as brisk walking help practical alternatives in managing high blood pressure, adults," said Joowon Lee, Ph.D., cholesterol and  repair glucose is a researcher at Boston University.  Control among many benefits, reported Health Shots.  The "Promoting light-intensity physical activity and reducing women who walked 2,100 to 4,500 steps daily reduced their observed risk of heart attack, research participants with an average age of heart failure, stroke, and other 69 and found that physical activity is associated with cardiovascular diseases.  by up to does not have to be strenuous to 38%, compared to women who are effective.They observed that every 30-minute interval of light-intensity physical activities - such team used an accelerometer.  To walk as if doing household chores or casual measure movement - was associated with a 20% lower risk of dying from any women, as it can be easier than to get.  , get those walking shoes out


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