Sunday 5 April 2020

Light Camera, No Action?

Lights, camera, no action ...?  Hollywood rocked by coronavirus as shoots, schedules and film releases get affected 

The new James Bond movie delayed, Studios scrapping film festivals.  Blockbuster pro- ductions shut down.  Hollywood is being rocked by an unprecedented challenge of the new coronavirus, insiders revealed this week.  "I have never seen anything where so many films are going to be affected all at once," said Jeff Bock, senior analyst at Exhibitor Relations.  "There are isolated incidents or tragedies that happen that might affect a certain film. But this re-ally does infect all the industry from top to bottom."  Industry estimates put financial losses from Asian theaters already shuttered this year at about $ 2 billion.  Major Hollywood titles including Mulan, Disney's China-set live-action blockbuster, have been put on hold in China.  The last-minute global delay of o07 adventure in No Time To Die, in-cluding its US and European releases, highlights the borderless impact of the virus.  For now, US theater attendances are holding steady spreading infection of fears and Mulan is being penned for launch this month in North America.  But new coronavirus outbreaks in California and New York, and multiple deaths in Washington state, could impact receipts.  "We'll see a little bit of downturn this week, by the time Mulan comes out. If this breaks as big as it did in China, it's going to change the entire landscape," said Bock.  including 

Meanwhile, huge buyers including Netflix, Amazon and Apple have pulled out of the SXSW festival in Texas - an im- portant marketplace for films.  But the impact will not be limited to major stu- dios.  Stephen Nemeth, who produced Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas (1998) starring Jonny Depp, has another Hunter S Thompson-themed film set to make its world pre-miere at the Austin festival.  "We are forging ahead," he said.  "We have a 1,100 seat theater ... that's a lot of seats to fill if there's only 25% capacity at the festival."

An online petition calling for SXSW to be canceled.  While organizers insist it is still going ahead, reports of further high-pro-file dropouts including Warner Bros and CNN have sown doubts.  "I'm not expecting a buyer because I think the buyers will be few and far between," said Nemeth, who thinks his film Freak Power is now more likely to sell via private screenings back in Hollywood.  "I'm not sure if SXSWW is still gonna happen," he added,

22 The longer that goes on, the fewer films that we get in the pipeline for 2021, 2022. This is really pointing out that production workers are "crippling the theatrical industry with a tenacious and inventive bunch." The longer it goes on  "What it's doing is test-ing location managers on super-nimble problem solvers," said Paul Dergarabedian, senior comscore analyst, "but the logistics of filming anywhere especially productions that require hundreds of actors and extras -  make it appear a risky proposition right now, said other film gatherings, including Nemeth.  "I do not begrudge actors for CinemaCon in Las Vegas and the Cannes want to continue with a film," he said.  "Every film has its own little village. Those productions have hit it too. A schedule - people are all dining together, waiting at the Senior Analyst at Exhibitor Relations, the Jeff Bock Film Festival, under scrutiny.  Tom is on the same line at the same lunch truck. Cruise-starring Mission Impossible in Italy - You are one of the worst-affected countries in many, many, many people - was a confined area. "  stopped last month.  Paramount moved any blockage into the relentless pipeline filming out of "an abundance of cau- the film production could leave a dearth tion for the safety and well-being of our films going forward." The longer that the cast and crew.  Less films that we get in Netflix is ​​looking for alternative loca- pipeline for 2021, 2022, "said Bock.  "This tions to the shoot are part of the new Dwayne's potential to really cripple the-atrical industry longer it goes on."  AFP goes on, Johnson's Red Notice that had been causing the atrcal industry longer.

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