Monday 7 August 2023

How to Make Money Writing Email Path to Six Fugers

 Writing Emails for Money: The Road to Six Figures

You may have heard that sending emails may earn you thousands of dollars, but what distinguishes an email copywriter who earns a few thousand dollars per month from one who generates well over $50,000 per month?

Your ability to produce effective email copy is unquestionably a key factor that affects your earning potential, but it's just one of several factors that determine how much money you'll make as an email copywriter. 

In actuality, the email marketing opportunity you choose to work with could have a bigger impact on your earning potential than your email writing abilities. 

In this article, we'll outline several opportunities for you to profit from your proficiency in email writing and go over their advantages and disadvantages. By selecting the most lucrative opportunity to put your writing skills to use, you'll be able to maximize your earning potential (and even earn more than many seasoned copywriters), even if you're just starting out. 

What Kind of Money Can You Make Writing Emails?

According to statistics, the average copywriter earns around $100,000 annually. 

However, there are other email copywriters who have earned more than $2 million in a single year, like Justin Goff.

Why then does Justin Goff earn such a large premium over the typical email writer? 

The quick explanation is that rather than writing internal copy, Justin Goff decided to use his email copywriting skills on a much more lucrative opportunity. 

He teamed with another business owner who was selling a greens powder instead of accepting a comfortable income as an in-house writer and now only receives a portion of the sales he brings in through his emails. 

Through his emails, he helped the business make many millions of dollars in sales, and as a result, he earned roughly $2.2 million in earnings.

But he wouldn't have gained any money if the offer failed and he didn't generate any sales.

To help you choose the ideal option for your circumstances, we'll explain the benefits and drawbacks of each sort of email marketing opportunity as well as their earning potential.

Types of Email Writing Monetization Strategies  

The best ways to earn money writing emails online are listed here. 

To send engagement emails, create autoresponders, and advertise the newest items or sales, the majority of larger organizations use in-house email copywriters. 

Although there is a relatively modest earning maximum, the biggest advantage of a full-time employment is that it offers economic stability (you know precisely how much money you'll make each month).

You probably won't earn much more than $100,000 year as an in-house copywriter, as we indicated in the introduction.


To produce different kinds of emails, from nurture sequences and autoresponders to sales emails and newsletters, B2B, B2C, ecommerce, and even personal brands hire email copywriters. A short search on Google or LinkedIn will turn up numerous email marketing opportunities.

Advantages: A steady income with those of a full-time work.

Learn the craft of writing well on the taxpayers' cost.

Limitations in earning potential and independence (unlike as a freelancer)

less opportunity for experimenting 

In-house email writers frequently perform multiple tasks, making it challenging to specialize and command a high salary.

Create Emails for Customers 

Numerous businesses employ independent email copywriters to create targeted email marketing for their goods or services. This is most likely the fastest way to start earning money as an email writer, and you can either keep it as a side business or grow it into a full-time job. 

Some clients pay a one-time cost for a particular project, such as $20,000 for an email autoresponder, or a continuing monthly retainer, such as $4,000 per month to produce eight emails every month for six months.

A client may also hire you to create a variety of emails, such as the following:

emails for lead generation

(Nurture, onboarding, abandoned cart sequences, etc.) autoresponder emails

weekly newsletters by email

emails promoting specific content and general news/announcements

 The amount you can charge clients in terms of earning potential depends on how much money your emails generate for the client. 

While one factor that affects the ROI you can generate is your competence as a freelance writer, other factors—which are largely outside of your control—include:

Relevance of the offer to the recipients of the email list

The devotion and involvement of the email list

The offer's profit margin 

Additionally, because a lead generation email has a significantly greater ROI than a conventional engagement newsletter, you'll make more money sending lead generation emails than composing weekly email newsletters.

Because of this, it's crucial to give serious thought to the kinds of clients you work with and the email writing specialty you ultimately choose to specialize in.


Businesses that extensively invest in email marketing include Vshred, Credit Secrets, and MiamiMD. These firms pay their copywriters well into the five figures for effective email marketing campaigns.


 Immediate cash flow combined with the independence advantages of freelancing

Potential for little earnings 


  • You have to find and close clients. 
  • Less stability than a full-time job
  • Client management can be challenging
Offer premium memberships and content

The popularity of newsletters is rising, and many readers are willing to pay for the material of their preferred authors. While some firms and influencers use ghostwriters to create the emails, creating your own newsletter is the most fruitful long-term income plan.

To earn money as you study and simultaneously start growing your newsletter as a side business, you might offer to ghostwrite a newsletter for an influencer if you're just starting out in your job and don't yet have an email list.

Offer a portion of the newsletter's material for free after you've created it, followed by a selection of premium content that is only available to paid members.

You could, for instance, provide a premium subscription that gives access to exclusive deep dives, data, or other premium resources in addition to a weekly newsletter providing advice from the previous week.

An good illustration of a newsletter that monetizes by providing premium content is Pirates. The newsletter is available for free, but paid subscribers can access a library of premium content for $20 per month.


 You have complete control over monetization and are free of client management. 
Though you will still need to regularly write emails, this monetization approach is genuinely passive.

 Selling paid subscriptions typically isn't as scalable or lucrative as selling your audience a product or service.
Since you must initially acquire a sizeable number of subscribers before monetizing your audience, you won't see an immediate return on investment.

The promotion of affiliate email offers:

You can collaborate with other companies and market their goods or services to your audience if you have your own email list. You can then get paid a commission when your audience makes a purchase of those goods or services.

The secret to successful affiliate email marketing is choosing goods and services that are in line with the interests and problems of your target market. You won't sell anything if you don't, which also means you won't make any money.

Furthermore, it's crucial to strike a balance between the quantity of affiliate marketing offers you advertise and excellent content. Your audience will eventually unsubscribe from your email list if you consistently promote goods and services without ever offering quality content.


A great illustration of a health and wellness influencer with a thriving email list is Thomas DeLauer. He frequently includes affiliate links to the products he endorses in the emails with tips and techniques.

Here is a perfect illustration of this in action:


 If you have a sizable, engaged list, your income potential is great. 
You are not responsible for client management. 
It's the best chance for email marketing to provide passive income


 Since you have to create your own email list, it can take months or years to start earning money.
You can't count on making any money because you only get paid when you sell goods.
The caliber of the goods and services your affiliates sell is beyond your control.
You must locate partners with whom you can work.

You can work on content projects with other brands that are comparable to yours. You may, for instance, participate in podcasts, appear as a guest on similar YouTube channels, and host collaborative webinars with other businesses and content producers.

You'll also see that developing a brand will enable you to produce more leads naturally rather than continuously directing advertisements to sales and landing pages in order to increase email signups. This will lower your subscriber acquisition costs and increase the profitability of your entire organization.

Get Started Writing Emails Today

Writing emails for clients to earn money right away and potentially starting your own business by building your own email list make email copywriting a great career choice.

It can be difficult to get started and develop a career in email copywriting, though, just like with any other business opportunity. It can be helpful to have mentors, colleagues, and a tried-and-true process to help you during these times. Unexpected difficulties can arise from gaining your first few clients to choosing a specialization
to creating your own email list, among other things.  


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