Saturday 12 August 2023

How to create the finest ChatGPT prompts for generative AI?

How to create the finest ChatGPT prompts for generative AI?

Writing successful chatbot prompts to get the outcomes you desire from your neighborhood AI takes skill. Here's how to improve your writing for prompts.

GIGO. It was first used in 1957 by William Mellin of the US Army to tell a press reporter that computers were constrained by their input. It stands for "Garbage In, Garbage Out" and is just as applicable to today's amazing generative AI tools as it was to those cumbersome, antiquated tube-based computing equipment back in 1957.

There is a lot of potential for both garbage in and garbage out with an AI like ChatGPT. Please keep in mind that we have no idea what was fed to it during its training. We are aware that because of its erratic view of the truth, it may theoretically serve as an American politician. Indeed, according to John Schulman, co-founder of OpenAI, the company that created ChatGPT, "Our biggest concern was around factuality because the model likes to fabricate things."

Also: 7 essential advanced ChatGPT authoring advice

Remember that because, regardless of how effective your prompts are, it's always possible that the AI will just make things up. However, there are several things you can do while creating prompts to guarantee the best results. In this how-to, we'll be looking at it.

How to design powerful ChatGPT prompts:

Your best bet for avoiding the GIGO effect is to create prompts that encourage ChatGPT's LLM (long language model) to offer the most insightful responses

Need a writer for an essay on AI? Here are some benefits of using ChatGPT and other chatbots.

So, read the rest of this article carefully. The future? You might get the necessary skills by reading it to become one of those highly compensated timely engineers. These jobs, it seems, can pay anywhere from $175,000 and $335,000. Hmm...  See ya!

1. Speak to the AI as you would a human being:

When working with ChatGPT, one of the more intriguing things I've had to adjust to is that you don't program it; you communicate with it. I have to let go of a lot of habits as a programmer with formal training when working with AI. Talking to it (and with it) necessitates a change of perspective.

speak to it like you would a teammate or coworker when I say "talk to it like a person." If you find it challenging, give it a name. Since Alexa is already taken, consider using "Bob." This is advantageous because, when speaking with Bob, you may add a range of ideas, conversational details, little stories that give your story dimension, and more.

Additionally: How to write programs with ChatGPT

It would be reasonable to anticipate that while speaking to a person, they may initially misunderstand you and need clarification. It makes sense that a conversation partner might stray from the subject at hand and need to be brought back on track. It would be normal to fill in the background information and pose challenging questions. It would also be normal to have to delve further and rephrase some of those questions in light of the responses you received.

We refer to this as interactive prompting. Do not be hesitant to pose multi-step inquiries. Get an answer when you ask a question. Ask another question in light of the response. I've personallye repeated this 10–20 times in a row and experienced fantastic outcomes. 

2. Provide background and context:

There is more to creating a ChatGPT prompt than just posing a one-sentence inquiry. It frequently entails giving pertinent background data to establish the query's context.

Imagine you want to train for a marathon. You might query ChatGPT:

How can I get ready to run a marathon?

But if you say that you're preparing for your first marathon, you'll get a far more insightful question. Your requirements will be more the emphasis of the responses you receive, as in:

Although I am a starting runner and have never completed a marathon, I hope to do so in the next six months. How can I get ready to run a marathon?

Do you see how by providing the AI with more details, it will be able to respond to you in a more targeted and useful manner? I should mention that I do not run, dance, or jump. So, this is only an illustration. I have no intention of participating in a marathon, unless I use a V-Twin motor.

In order to speak with locals while visiting Spain in a few months, I'd like to learn some fundamental Spanish. In order to learn the language in a structured and thorough manner, I'm seeking for online resources that are appropriate for beginners. Can you suggest some websites for a novice studying Spanish?

In this instance, the context assists in focusing the AI on learning how to interact with locals on the ground rather than just requesting information about learning resources. Here's another illustration: 

As a business owner, I'm curious to learn how blockchain technology may increase the efficiency and transparency of the supply chain. I need an in-depth description of the technology along with concrete examples of its application to supply chain management. Could you elaborate on the blockchain technology concept and its supply chain management applications?

In this instance, the emphasis is focused on blockchain for supply chain efficiency and how it might be used in a real-world setting, as opposed to simply asking for knowledge on blockchain and how it functions. Feed ChatGPT that prompt right away. Its response is quite intriguing.

Additionally, ChatGPT improperly responds to more than half of questions about software engineering.

I'll give you one more, far more detailed example. It demonstrates how to create a thorough prompt. One thing to note: I only allow 500 words for the response because ChatGPT seems to break between 500 and 700 words, leaving the story unfinished and failing to properly resume when asked to do so. Future revisions should hopefully offer more thorough explanations because notions like the one I'm about to share appear to inspire some pretty interesting storylines.

3. Instruct the AI to adopt a persona or occupation:

ChatGPT's ability to write from the perspective of a certain individual or profession is one of its coolest features. I demonstrated how to have ChatGPT write like a pirate or Shakespeare a few months ago, but you can also make it write from the viewpoint of a teacher, marketing executive, journalist, or any other position you like.

Aside from that, how ChatGPT can rebuild and enhance your current code. 

Here is one instance. I'll request that ChatGPT provide an overview of the Amazon Echo smart home gadget from the perspectives of a product manager, a caregiver, and a journalist. The three questions are as follows:

In addition, here are 5 approaches to investigate using generative AI at work.

From a journalistic standpoint, the Echo has generated news because to privacy concerns around the gathering and storage of user data, and the AI's response utilizing the journalist identity includes the following.

You may see how the AI can respond with a variety of opinions by using different identities. I'll elaborate on that notion by demonstrating how to use an AI to conduct a thought experiment. Let's examine some of the concerns that were considered when developing a device such an Alexa:

Here is a simple hint. Small adjustments to your prompts can have a big impact on ChatGPT's response. As an illustration, when I switched the words "Provide the arguments, pro and con, that..." to "Provide the pro and con arguments as dialog, that...," ChatGPT revised its response, moving away from a list of stated benefits and drawbacks and toward a conversation between the participants.

4. Maintain ChatGPT's course
As was already observed, ChatGPT has a propensity to veer off topic, lose focus on the conversation, or completely make up responses. 

Additionally, OpenAI discovered a method to improve the logic of AI models and prevent delusions.

You may use a few strategies to help it stay on course and be honest.
One of my favorite activities is to challenge ChatGPT's comments. I'll ask questions such as, "Why do you think that?" or "What proof do you offer for your claim?" The AI will frequently just say sorry for inventing things and then provide a different response. Other times, it might provide you with some insightful data about its line of thought. In any event, remember to use the advice I offer for getting ChatGPT to reference sources.

You'll start to notice that the AI loses the thread if you have a conversation using ChatGPT that is pretty lengthy. This is obviously not limited to AIs. With most friends, family, and coworkers, if you have a very lengthy chat, someone will inevitably lose the thread.

More advice about writing prompts

You're welcome to pose the query again. With each question, ChatGPT frequently modifies its response.
Make minor adjustments to your prompts to influence it to provide you with a better response.
While the current page is open, ChatGPT will continue to be aware of earlier chats. It will become unconscious if you exit that page.
 To be clear, ChatGPT will occasionally lose the conversation's thread "just because," so be aware that you might need to start over.
In a similar vein, refreshing the page will prompt new comments to be added to the conversation.
Over 500 words, answers can occasionally become unintelligible. Make sure to indicate the length of the desired response.
Based on how the AI responds, you can modify and clarify prompts.
If it refuses to respond to your question, rephrase it. Use personas to get the organization to respond when it might not otherwise want to.
Tell it to support or justify its answers if you want sources cited in the responses.
Users that sign up for ChatGPT for free can now access personalised instructions. In order to save time, you can provide ChatGPT with a series of prompts that are constantly available.
Keep trying new things.
Think about subscribing to ChatGPT Plus. After that, you can use your own data for effective analytics. Data can also be obtained online. 
ChatGPT occasionally simply fails. Continue to attempt, but also be prepared to give up and switch to alternative methods. It's not ideal yet.

Which prompts are most effective with ChatGPT?
You may ask ChatGPT nearly anything, which is one of its most alluring features. However, keep in mind that it's intended to offer written responses. You should speak with Google if you want a list of websites. 

Additionally, this new ChatGPT feature allows for quicker and better responses.
Speak to Wolfram Alpha if you need to compute something. Give ChatGPT open-ended prompts, promote originality (yes, and we thought creativity would be solely a human trait), don't be shy about sharing your own stories or feelings, and keep in mind that the AI's current body of information will expire in 2021.

What should I do if ChatGPT won't respond or if I disagree with its response?
ChatGPT has some safety nets in place. If you ask it political questions, for instance, it tends to shut off. That is what the system is designed to do. Even while you might be able to coax an answer out, it generally won't be very helpful. Having stated that, feel free to continue posing queries to it using various wording or angles.

Also, how exactly does ChatGPT operate?

You are free to ask as many questions as you like, though once it advised me to come back later when it felt I had questioned it excessively. In essence, it said, "Go away kid, you're bothering me." To be fair, I probably was after hours of inquiries. This might be just as addicting as watching YouTube videos of puppies, if not more so.


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