Friday 31 January 2020

The Glitter Of Crona

What Is Crona Virus ?

Crona Virus has become a threat to the world but is it a thereat ?

Crona Virus has become a threat to the world but is it a thereat or may be it has taken up the headlines in the media and and has become a very popular '' Breaking News '' the matter of the fact is only 3% of the infected people have died so far so this death ratio is very low comparing to the other diseases .


Most importantly we should all remember this fact that Asian people have the strongest immunity among the human race so it there is any threat then it lies with in the western people and may advise to the world is that do not panic and work hard for the antidote because if it breaks out from the china the western are most likely to be hit very badly and in this age of vibrant media '' ALL THAT GLITTERS IS NOT GOLD'' 


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