Thursday 20 February 2020

Donald Trump has brought shame to America what USA built in 70 Years Trump through it away in 70 Seconds

Iran Vs America 

Donald Trump had brought shame to America what USA built in 70 Years Trump through it away in 70 Seconds

Donald Trump had brought shame to America what USA built in 70 Years Trump through it away in 70 Seconds by physically engaging with Iran Fired at American base in Iraq Americans technology could not protect a tiny base then how are they suppose to defined entire gulf region Iran has demonstrate if attached might in 24 hours but the same will Happy to the gulf region and the most important thing is that America has  made Iran and proved it more powerful before this incidence USA was through to be undef-eatable power and definer of its friends and that smokes screen has been kicked to dust by Iran .

If this is what Iran can do then what about a NUCLEAR POWER CALLED PAKISTAN i leave this question opened for the world

Monday 3 February 2020

Valentines Day

The Valentines Day Reminds Us The Foundation Of Humanity

The valentines day reminds us foundation of humanity which has been mistaken as material  and materialism . Its a good day to participate remember and remind each other that human are social animals and we can only survive through social interaction through relationship and depending upon each other its a good day to remember that love has many forms and it needs to be impressed in words and through exchanging gifts and remembering that most reliable relationship is between men and women in which secrets are in charged and acts which have no other way of
expressing love reminding each other that every day is a new day a new beginning of love